commandsproperty set

Set/update a group property.


property set group [secret] [type] name [value]

group whose property to set/update.
secret property whose value is only visible to users that have write access to group.
type of property. Default is variable unless name begins with a colon :.
environment set as a environment variable, when executing a command.
header header property within url requests.
parameter URL parameter for get requests, and content parameter for post, put & delete url requests.
resource container resource requirement for container jobs. e.g. cpus = 1
system properties. See system properties for supported properties.
template properties define default values in new jobs, and may reference variable properties. Supported template property names are: calendar, command, content, description, delay, host, image, message, method, output, recipient, sql, subject, timezone, url & user.
variable properties are not visible outside of the job definition, but can be referenced anywhere a variable can be referenced, including within other properties.
name of property to set/update.
system property names must begin with a colon :. e.g. :job-mode.
value to set property to. If not specified an empty property will be defined.

write on group


Add a property

BeyondCron % property set / PATH /bin:/usr/bin
BeyondCron % property list $$

  Type Name Value -------- ---- ------------- variable PATH /bin:/usr/bin

Change a property

BeyondCron % property set / environment PATH /bin:/usr/bin
BeyondCron % property list $$

  Type Name Value ----------- ---- -------------- environment PATH /bin:/user/bin

Add a secret property

BeyondCron % property set / secret header x-api-key g577uiO1As4qBqE…
BeyondCron % property list $$

  Type Name Value ------------- --------- ------------------ environment PATH /bin:/user/bin secret header x-api-key g577uiO1As4qBqE...

Set a template property

BeyondCron % property set /alerts template recipient [email protected]
BeyondCron % property list $$

  Type Name Value -------- --------- --------------------------------------- template recipient [email protected] template subject Job {{}} {{event.result}}

See also